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Re: OT: Personal Audio Space?

Would you believe....no electronics are needed? 
Just make a cone of silence:
--- Allan Hoeltje <ahoeltje@best.com> wrote:
> Sorry if this seems too far off topic but I figured someone here
> might know
> about hearing aid technology.  I will also throw in some loop
> content.  :-)
> Have you ever been in a loud restaurant and couldn't make out what
> the
> person sitting across from you was saying because the background
> noise was
> so loud?
> What I want is a "perception aid".  It seems to me that DSP's are
> good
> enough that if combined with a couple good microphones you could
> cancel out
> the noise and enhance the nearby sound.  Fit the electronics and mics
> into a
> battery powered, walkperson sized box, plug into it with head phones
> (the
> ear plug kind, like what some performers use on stage) and have
> yourself a
> "personal audio space".
> Anyone know if this is possible, or available?
> For looping or recording, it could be used as a pre-amp (a de-amp?)
> in noisy
> places.
> Always Curious,
> -Allan

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