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Re: The first LA Loop Fest!!!

alright, here's the proposed time and locale:

Thursday, June 28, 2001
Doors open at 7pm
359 East Magnolia St
Suite E
Burbank, CA 91501

Here's the stuff we need to figure out:

We know for sure that Steve Lawson will be performing and possibly two
additional loopers. I'd like to wave my spot as I just found out that
east coast looper extradonnaire (sp?) Ric Hordinski (of Monk, Over The
Rhine and has worked with Daniel Lanois, Bob Dylan, Squeeze, David
Wilcox, Buddy Miller, and on and on and on) will be in town and is also
interested in playing. If you're not familiar, check out his web page at
http://monkmusic.com. So I'd love for Ric to perform as well. Steve
suggested 3 loopers perform, and also suggested Andre? (Since we had
several people interested in playing, me included, maybe we should
schedule another Loop Feste?)

It was also suggested that we either charge a nominal admission of say,
$5 or we simply 'pass the hat'. Both Steve and Ric have to play for door
or donation.

I can supply the PA and a few chairs, but we could use some rugs, chairs,
pillows, whatever to make it comfy. Also, you can bring your own
refreshments for personal or share. Tho' since this isn't a club but a
space I lease and I don't carry liability insurance or any such thing, I
have to ask to refrain from alcohol and such.

Oh, and since space is an issue at this locale, should have a reserve
list or something? I'd hate for someone to not be able to get in, etc. Or
do we even have to worry about it?

If anyone has any ideas or anything, either reply on the list or you can
pmail me at tony-moore@juno.com or you can call me at 818-563-6514.



On Tue, 19 Jun 2001 21:52:39 -0700 Steve Lawson
<steve@steve-lawson.co.uk> writes:
> >>>yep, thursday is cool with me. i'm also fee over the weekend if 
> anyone
> wants to just come by and jam or whatever.
> sounds like steve is cool with it. since the space is small, i'm a 
> bit
> worried if we have too many performers, the gear will take up as 
> much
> space as listeners :-)  maybe should have two shows? a show for us 
> local
> la loopers and a seperate show for steve? any thoughts anyone? also,
> since steve is traveling, it'd be cool to toss some dough his way. 
> any
> thoughts how to handle it?
> also, i have secured a pa for the evening. so if folks are willing 
> to go
> direct, that may save some space.<<<
> How about we go for three artists? I don't mind who else plays, 
> though I
> have to say I've been wanting to hear Andre for ages, so pleeeeeeze 
> play!
> :o) 
> dough would be very nice indeed, though I'm happy to go by donation 
> (I'll
> bring a hat) or do some deal where it's $5 to get in, but it gets 
> you a
> token for $5 off the cost of my CD, so if you buy the album, you get 
> in for
> free... :o) Whatever, I'm just looking forward to playing and 
> hanging out!
> So we're booked - thursday, doors 7.30 for an 8 start? bring your 
> own
> beer... 
> how's all that sound? i'll put the word round if everyone's cool 
> with that
> please CC me if  you're replying to this as I'm on in digest mode 
> and wanna
> get this sorted ASAP!
> you guys rock - let's do a loop fest! the spirit of Rick Walker 
> looms
> large... LOL 
> cheers
> Steve 
> www.steve-lawson.co.uk 