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Re: Yo - Sustainers...

> Fernandes are plentiful second hand and usually a bargain. You can buy 
>the pickup system separately but it's expensive and requires extensive 
>wiring to fit (I heard that a complete rewire was needed but that might 
>just be crazy talk) Martin Shellard 

It's no exaggeration... it's a very intrusive rewire... plus some routing 
probably. Nice to have new pickups with long wires so you don't have to 
get into splicing stuff... (unless you're way capable with the iron...)

>> I'm just wondering if anyone here uses Steinbergers...or, if anyone 
>uses those Fernandes Sustainer guitars. I thought it'd be something worth 
>looking into..so, if anyone has either of these, tell me what kind and if 
>you like them. -Andy

I love my sustainer system... Mine's a Sustainiac Stealth. It was $225 
new, uninstalled... I had a local tech do the final install and I did the 
routing on my guitar body... which was a pain, but I learned a lot doing 
it... It was a completely new build for me, and I wanted a sustainer 
badly... The Stealth Plus is a smaller circuit board which fits in the 
trem cavity on a strat... maybe that's the hot way to go these days.

Mine works really well and has both fundamental and harmonic mode... You 
have to get used to the way it works to really integrate it smoothly into 
your playing, but there's loads you can do with it immediately as well. 


I had a couple problems due to the installation and ended up sending my 
guitar body minus the neck to Alan for him to really get it fine tuned. 
It's been great since. It's been worth every penny...
