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Re: 3D Audio

Another freeware I found that has the possibility of  quadriphonic output 
the Modplug Tracker (which in the last incarnation can even use VST
plug-ins) - well, it can save its mixdowns to quadriphonic .Wav files with
various degrees of sample rate and bits, and I find it to be very useful 
with a good computer it supports up to 128 voices of poliphony - not that
bad for a free software ain't it?
----- Original Message -----
From: <RMOUNEYR@bouyguestelecom.fr>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 10:09 AM
Subject: RE: 3D Audio

> > i was wondering which are your experiences
> > about 3D audio software.
> > Which packages do you find useful ?
> Up to today, the only software i found is : Sonic Foundry Vegas
> You can switch to quadriphonic output or surround.
> But i'm in the process of creating a dedicated software with a friend to
> play live 3D shows (up to 8 speakers), hope it will work one day...
> RAF.