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Re: LA Loop-Fete info, again?


don't sweat it man. i'm certainly not looking at this as a 'gig'. to me
it's more of a co-op, friends getting together to share music. heck,
we're not even really charging admission, the $5 is to help defray steve
and ric's costs. i'm really looking forward to tonight to just hang with
you folks.

see you soon!


On Thu, 28 Jun 2001 12:42:51 -0700 Andre LaFosse
<altruist@altruistmusic.com> writes:
> OK, between Steve's mention of some certain heavy people coming to 
> the
> show and DT's query, I am now officially freaking out to a very high
> degree.  (Certainly be good to see Mr. DT-SC again, however.)  
> So much for a low-key casual gig!
> Add to that a last-minute visit from tendinitis and this is going to
> be a very interesting gig indeed.  For those in the audience, you 
> can
> look forward to the added surprise visuals of my life flashing 
> before
> my very eyes during the set.  If I emerge out the other side intact, 
> I
> look forward to hearing from other people as to what exactly I 
> played,
> 'cause I sure as hell am not going to remember it myself...
> Gulp,
> --A