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Re: Lexicon Core 2

Someone i know bought one and had a fiasco of it till they contacted
Lexicon/and or got the latest drivers for it. THen  nothing but heaven.

IRQ's look okay? start>settings>control panel>system> computer properties
 any exclamation points or question marks?

Is there:
 a scsi device in the chain?
disck fragtmention
have you got UDMA drives andUDMA turned on on the motherboard?

Never realized this until after a whole hell with a SCSI cdrw hell, but was
burning audio CD's(actually only trying to ) and there were always clicks.
Took all the lose files on the descktop and stuck them into a folder, heard
the quality inprove directly, something about memory having to scan
everything that's not in a folder. Kooky but true.

on 7/24/01 9:18 PM, Mike Feeney at feeneymike@yahoo.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently bought and installed the above-mentioned sound card, and am
> having some problems with pops and clicks in the recorded tracks.  The
> troubleshooting section of the (altogether too thin) manual lists video
> cards (specifically PCI ones) several times as the possible cause of 
> I have a Voodoo 4 4500 PCI card installed, so this is entirely possible.
> However, I disabled the hardware graphics acceleration, as suggested by 
> manual, but to no avail.  Anyone know of a possible solution, aside from
> removing the Voodoo card?  I like to play Quake when I'm not recording.  
> Other tech specs:
> 433Mhz Celeron processor
> Win98SE
> 256Mb RAM
> 15Gb hard drive
> ISA ethernet card
> cable modem
> -Mike
> "People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
> -Abraham Lincoln-