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Re: Basic intro (OT)

On Thu, 16 Aug 2001 14:28:51 -0700, Allan Hoeltje <ahoeltje@best.com>

>on 8/16/01 1:36 PM, Caliban Tiresias Darklock at caliban@darklock.com 
>> My "workhorse" synth is an Optimus MD-1200. Yes, the mass market
>> keyboard from Radio Shack... At $200, you just can't beat it for
>> the price.
>LOL!  This made my day.  There are way too many folks who think they need 
>$20,000++ rack to create entertaining audio.  Hey, I like the gear too but
>it's refreshing to read stuff like this.  

To make matters worse, I *usually* use it to work out a melody which I
then turn around and punch into a sequencer that controls a softsynth. I
could use damn near anything for that. ;)

>BTW, this "basic intro" thread has made quite a long presence for itself.
>What if it had been Caliban's "complete intro" instead?

We'd be about on chapter three. ;P