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Re: (OT) public/bunch/brain dead/lemmings


Please do NOT start making "N*SYNC Coffee. Stick to the good stuff or 
I'll be forced to take drastic measures!!!!

Oh, and: make whatever music you want. Your looping will still be "a good 


>Subject:     (OT) public/bunch/brain dead/lemmings
>Sent:        8/14/20 6:45 PM
>Received:    8/18/01 10:05 AM
>From:        Hedewa7@aol.com
>Reply-To:    Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>To:          Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>on yet another topic that quickly became only remotely related to its 
>original subject-line and is beginning to sound remarkably similar to the 
>topic that was entitled 'basic intro', 
>someone (?qui?) said:
>>>Yes, but the public are a bunch of brain dead lemmings. 
>caliban@darklock.com responded:
>>Then why are you making music to begin with?
>shit, yer right!
>thanks, caliban, for clarifying ---and, as you'll see below, 
>the past 30+ years of my life, so summarily.
>from now on, i'll try a *lot* harder to make music that more people like, 
>regardless of what *i* perceive to be germane to the potential uplifting 
>my (or anyone else's) existence --- duck & cover, gango, i think i'm 
>build another musical mcdonald's/burger king/popeye's/taco bell!
>i can see it, now:
>i'll be the martha stewart of looping, the katie couric of guitar, the 
>of coffee-makers! i'll be the moby of mixing, the george w. bush of 
>effects-routing, the j-lo of the whammy bar, the marilyn manson of 
>tabla-machining, the larrykinglive of oud!
>>For some elite group of
>>people who can appreciate it? I prefer to enjoy myself.
>some of us make music -of varying *styles*- for more, ermmmm..... 
>'reasons' --- (i'm not sure that the word 'reason' applies, herein).
>some of us are committed to music inna way that is, well, different than 
>can certainly be 'inclusive of') 'self-enjoyment'.
>methinks that the depth of this kinda commitment requires that one be at 
>least a *little* bit impervious to folks' opinions, elite or otherwise 
>course, that's not to imply that someone of this stripe wouldn't 'listen 
>other people's opinions (and/or, 'purchasing habits'), just that the root 
>one's creative intentions might be the primary source of (self)-criticism.
>>If I come up
>>with something great, hey, cool. If I don't, fuck it, I had fun. Usually
>>I come up with something that a reasonably large group of people *also*
>>considers fun.
>should music be fun? yeah, some of it should..... but not all of it, & 
>all the time.
>dt / s-c