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R: EMUSIC Playlist #231

accynny  hypnotic guitars(www.rustyrobot.com) album: HYPNOS.  grazie
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Fox <billfox@fast.net>
To: emusic-wdiy Mailing List <emusic-wdiy@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 12:21 AM
Subject: EMUSIC Playlist #231

> [ Best viewed with a fixed spacing font. ]
> EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show, airs each Thursday
> at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA and 93.9 FM in
> Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ.
>                     Show #231                    August 23, 2001.
> On this show, I continued the month-long focus on Radio Massacre
> (RMI), a group from the UK that embraces improvisational emusic even in
> studio.  The feature CD at midnight was the two CD set "Frozen North"
> released on the Centaur label.  The first disc was featured.
> Radio Massacre International
> http://wdiyfm.org/emusic/playlists/2001/focus01.html#aug
> ARTIST                  TRACK                    ALBUM (label)
> ======================= ========================
> 11:04 pm
> Spectral Voices         Smile of the Dew         Coalescence (Spectral
> Spectral Voices         Celestial Tides          Coalescence (Spectral
> Tom Heasley             Ground Zero              Where the Earth Meets 
>                                                    (Hypnos)
> Thom Brennan            Pond Life                Mist (SpaceForMusic.com)
> Dweller at the          Automatic Writing        Ouroborus 
>   Threshold
> Seofon                  Collecting the Spirits   Zero Point (Hypnos/The
> Wavestar                Tangent                  Zenith (Groove)
> 12:00 am
> RMI                     Wrecks                   Frozen North (Centaur)
> RMI                     What's the Point of      Frozen North (Centaur)
>                           Going to Crete?
> RMI                     Small Frozen North       Frozen North (Centaur)
> RMI                     Rosemary's Baby          Frozen North (Centaur)
> RMI                     Drown *                  Frozen North (Centaur)
> 1:00 am
> Robert Carty            Live at the Old Church in Portland, Oregon,
> 2:00 am
>  * = exerpt
> VA = Various Artists (compilation)
> On the next EMUSIC, I'll conclude the month-long focus on Radio Massacre
> International.  The feature CD at midnight will be "Organ Harvest" on the
> Centaur label.
> I will play the music of Tom Heasley (tuba, loops, processing) and Jim
> Spectral Voices (harmonic singing) in support of their upcoming concert 
> Gathering in Philadelphia.
> As part of WDIY's Salute to Records, I will play some examples of what
> me to electronic music as well as some classic tracks from the early
masters of
> space music.
> The Gathering        http://wdiyfm.org/emusic/events.html
> Bill        billfox@fast.net
> Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show.  Thursdays
> 11 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and
> Phillipsburg.  Email me if you wish to submit music for airplay
> Radio Station Home Page: http://wdiyfm.org
> Personal site: http://www.users.fast.net/~billfox
> To subscribe to the EMUSIC on WDIY list, send
> email to: emusic-wdiy-subscribe@yahoogroups.com