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Re: no repeater wet/dry mix?

yes that would work.

About the wet/dry mix issue.  It's true that you can control the volume of
each "track" right?  and with a volume pedel, you can control the input,
obviously.  So if you can just mute input from output, we should be 
golden, as
wet/dry mix can be handled by controling track volume.  True, one function
that could control wet/dry mix would be sweet, but I could live with this
fix.  BTW, I go and pick up my Repeater at Banana's At Large in San 
Rafael, CA
tonight.  Wooooo hoooo!

Mark Sottilaro

"Damon Langlois (Electrix)" wrote:

> Just to clarify we are talking about an input mute (on/off) that only 
> the input from the output so you can still record the input without 
> it through the box (via MIDI and a special button press)...right?
> Respect,
> Damon Langlois
> Creative Director
> Electrix
> Tel (250) 544-4091 Fax (250) 544-4100
> http://www.electrixpro.com