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Re: loop instrument

Uh, yeah and I like it because it makes cool sounds and shit.

> repetition as trance focalizer
> spontenaity as nagual connection
> imagination as reality bedrock
> ragas in your morning flakes
> give healing voice and medicate
> ..
> i feel that we are approaching a kind of instrument where sound is made 
>from smaller vibrations of sound which spin and repeat. where time is 
>like a disc around which these vibrations rotate. perhaps, we will be 
>able to capture a slice of vibration into a loop, and have it triggerable 
>by some movement of the body, motion of the mind, or press of some key. 
>many independent vibrations of differing moods and lengths will be mixed, 
>pitched and clocked together. the player of the instrument sits at the 
>center of a rotating time pillar, conducting the flow of vibrations and, 
>perhaps, channeling new ones through improv.
> the instrument will have memory, being able to store looping vibrations 
>on the spot for retrieving back later.. in a very organic way, without 
>disrupting the flow. we will be able to store multiple vibrations 
>together as a larger package of vibration, allowing for total 
>arrangements to be brought back from memory. the memory will persist and 
>grow from session to session, pruning itself of old and unused 
>vibrations, as does human memory.
> the performer of this instrument will be able to give commands such as 
>'bring looping vibrations 'gorillas smacking lips' and 'flywings beating' 
>in 2 counts' or 'fade out this arrangement over 8 counts' and 'at the 
>start of the next long count, bring all melodic vibrations down in pitch 
>4 tones'. or 'track the rhythm in this audio feed and sync our count to 
>it'... all as the pillar vibrations rotate around time without stopping.
> the performer will also be able to shred up (ala ReCycle) existing 
>vibrations, playing the slices live, perhaps on a keyboard. For example, 
>here is 'shaman sings yak song: oo ka lay oh mani tar' repeating, lets 
>map it key to key, so the rhythmic pulses are cut up. now we can play any 
>rhythm with our deconstructed building blocks: oo ka lay oh mani tar ka 
>lay lay oh mani oo ka tar tar, for example, which means o yak, we milk 
>you for butter tea.
> with this instrument, we'll be able to manifest and grow song structures 
>live, beyond the basic tapeloop soundscape idea, by drawing from previous 
>material we have created.
> technically, i envisage a core software engine decoupled from interface, 
>similar to EDP software, with fundamental differences;; multiple loops 
>with varying lengths;; loops stored in frequency domain (PVOC 
>implementation of pitchshift), allowing for pitch-and-timestretch and 
>potentially freqdomain effects in future (perhaps SDIF format-- see 
>CNMAT);; ..
> front end-- intuitive command macro system for conducting while 
>improvising, multiple inputs and outputs, midi and audio syncronization, 
> i wrote a basic prototype last year for MAXMSP, which is available as 
>fripp~.sit on node.net/unmax  .. if others want to collect themselves to 
>create something like this freely, we should join forces open-source 
>style. this would free us to create only appropriate technology, and not 
>a big machine to consume us.
> so
> its coming, can you feel it descending from the Aastral?
> slobbery kisses
> -yon
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