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RE: Regulator mod for edp

Yes, they are a bit flimsy. I do two things to these guys:-
1. Solder the legs above the PCB as well as below, where they bend over;
this makes them much more robust.
2. Put some hot-glue on the plastic base, down to the PCB, to further
stop them moving.
Out of the 800 or so EDPs we've made, none have had a problem with this
regulator, although we've had a few accidents in-house before they are
tested; operators snapping them clean off the board.

-----Original Message-----
From: jim palmer [mailto:jimp@pobox.com]
Sent: 05 December 2001 23:37
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Regulator mod for edp

i just put in the new lower heat regulator and i am a bit worried about
the leads on this thing are pretty small and it doesn't seem to mount
flush with the
pc board.  is this going to cause trouble when the unit is manhandled?
(by roadies after i become world-famous, for now i will be taking care
of the abuse...)

is there a better way to mount this thing?