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Re: Newbie questions; Thanks!

Just one question .... How long can a single loop employing all Repeater 
last in duration using a 128 FlashCard.
That is, one loop engaging as much information as possible by the unit 
at all possible maximums.
Thank you in advance for an answer to this question.

Hedewa7@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 12/12/2001 3:06:07 AM, sine@zerocrossing.net writes:
> >Chris Olden wrote:
> >>
> >>  The Repeater has 4 loops? Is that two sets of stereo loops,
> >>  or 4 individual loops assignable as mono or as loop pairs?
> mark sottilaro replied:
> >No, the Repeater can do up to 999 loops in it's memory. (!)  Each can
> >consist of either 4 mono loops, or two stereo loops.  Faders can control
> >their relative volumes.
> right, but to clarify:
> each repeater *loop* can consist of up to 4 *tracks*; these can be used 
>as 4
> mono-tracks, 2 stereo-tracks, or 2 mono- & 1 stereo-track..... user's 
> best,
> dt / splattercell