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Re: very OT: Re: Soundscapes/Frippertronics debate postscript

On 12/19/01 4:12 PM, "Hedewa7@aol.com" <Hedewa7@aol.com> wrote:

> todd,
>> I have always been amazed at dt's great spirit in participating in the
>> conversation, and I, too, check out many of his posts just to hear a 
>> 'educated by intense experience' type of viewpoint.  I also feel the 
>> about kim and matthias and others, for the record.  I am once again 
>> by a real patient and sane response by mr. Torn, especially given the
>> strength and heat of some of pb's inflammatory comments.
> thanks for the positives aimed in my general direction!
> for the sake of clarity, though, i wanna point out that the only reason 
> *i* felt bad about that murky miscommunication was when i understood that
> peter b. was shutting down his activity with *everybody* @ LD, as a 
>result of
> *our* misunderstanding --- i'm sure this place offers some value/insight 
> all-those-who-loop, which small social-group would & should certainly 
> him.
> (ain't no other loop-communities that i know about, which gives LD a 
> weight --- as scattered & tattered a community as we might be).
> best,
> dt / splattercell

I got it.  Thanks for the clarity.  Once again, very generous, and that is
my point...  We all gotta cut each other some slack, and this exchange
seemed to me so very one-sidedly generous and the other-sidedly
*in*-tolerant.  I want everyone to have their say as you do, of course, and
this IS our only resource and community, and it's a great one, far as I'm
concerned.  I don't know if pb will ever read my post or not, but the
purpose behind it was to support clearing a space for that sort of 
necessary to maintain the list in good faith.  Of course, now that I've
reread *my* post, I find it unnecessarily inflammatory as well, (sorry, 
I remember getting quite a scolding from kim once, but the FIRST thing I 
was to find a way not to take it personally...  For someone unable to do
that, maybe unsubscribe *is* the best option, for all of us.  So for me, 
sorry pb won't be joining us, but it's a big sandbox, and if he can't play
nice, then other ones won't wanna play... MORAL:  don't throw sand,  at 95%
feedback, it gets real messy...  Never lands...  Just hits you in the

I talk too much.  
