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Re: A negative review for 2002 >> Biting the biscuit...

i usually follow  links that folks include with their messages,
and have amassed a huge folder of  "Loopers Stuff".  There is allot
of great stuff out there,  I  think I have enjoyed,  been educated by
(or both) almost everything I have heard from list members.

it is there, but sometimes you need to do some poking around...

dont forget this link!


PS:  Absolutly Last Call for Loopers TShirts... I am putting the Last
and FINAL order in Tomorrow!  If you are interested you better contact
my offlist really quick-like...  jfink@cabq.gov

> From: <KILLINFO@aol.com>
> > I'm often
> > surprised that comparatively little music itself gets exchanged or 
> > within the community of the LD list members (snip)