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Re: Lawson looping gig fiasco...

On 1/7/02 12:33 PM, "Hedewa7@aol.com" <Hedewa7@aol.com> wrote:

> todd wrote,
>> I see steve and andre's posts about the gig tonite at the knitting 
>> Sunday, and I say, whoa, the community will meet...  And I rush down to
>> the
>> knitting factory to see them both, anxious to meet my fellow artists, 
>> the music and hang...  DUMBASS even wore his LD t-shirt to the gig, I'm
>> just
>> that corny... It's raining cats and dogs out and I'm tired anyway, 
>> just flown back from...
>> ......California.
> well,
> to be fair:
> herr lawson did say something about the 'world-famous' knitting factory,
> which would certainly lead one to believe that they were playing knitting
> factory/ny.
> *-)
> btw, fwiw:
> 'the knitting factory' is also sometimes known amongst a buncha 
>musicians as
> 'the plantation'.
> *-)
> best,
> dt / splattercell

Yep.  Got that...  Heard worse as well... But to other more pleasant
pursuits... got both splattercell albums today in the mail from amazon... 
player travels with me tomorrow...
