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Re: Re; NAMM Show

>Rick Turner/Renaissance booth, however we are not having a
>booth this year, so I get to go as a spectator.

bill, sorry to hear this...i was looking forward to trying out your 

>  You might find me wandering
>the halls in my LD t-shirt, trying to engage the cadre of strippers and
>porn stars in deep philosophical conversations.

LOL. my fave from last year was laughing my ass off and feeling 
terribly sorry for the employees of music man/ernie ball, with their 
faux 60's theme...VW bus, fake afro's, bell bottoms and all.  i 
seriously would have considered quitting my job if i was told to 
dress like that.

>Is it my imagination
>or has NAMM started to look more and more like a consumer electronic show
>in recent years?

my boss has been to the CES (consumer electronics show) for the last 
10 years, but now doesn't even bother to go, because it's not 
business to business people doing deals anymore, but end-user 
consumers gawking at the new wares.  Although i'm guilty of being one 
of those gawkers in regards to Namm, it seems like it's travelling on 
the same trajectory.

>freakishly endowed,scantilly clad young woman signing
>autographs and drawing a huge throng to their booth

sure, but for pure entertainment value, who would you rather wait in 
line for...her?  or lars ulrich?

seeya there!
