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Re: Bad Repeater Experience (Rant)

In the manual, it talks about how the Repeater is a line level out, and NOT
an instrument level (like your guitar amp is expecting)  The amp is 
just trying to boost a level that doesn't need it.  Try taking the Repeater
outputs and going into some type of amp that's not designed for guitars,
like a home stereo amp, or keyboard amp.  I bet your noise problems go 

Mark Sottilaro

on 1/16/02 10:15 PM, Om_Audio at clifsound@mediaone.net wrote:

> James-
> Any Repeater can easily be upgraded to the free OS version 1.1 software-
> just go to www.electrixpro.com and all the instructions are there- There 
> also a forum there where the Electrix people moderate and often respond 
> user's concerns.
> Cliff
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <Jhsidlo@aol.com>
> To: <loopers-delight@annihilist.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 9:30 PM
> Subject: Bad Repeater Experience (Rant)
>> Just got it today. Plugged it in. It was 1.0 (Oh well).  A sort of
>> whining noise (besides me) was constantly present. Except when in sleep
> mode
>> or all faders down. Also when I was executing "undo" and the track 
>> lights start flashing. There was an audible pulsing sound through my 
>> So after I spend my time and money mailing it back. I'm going to give
> it
>> one more chance. Does anybody know where I can get a Repeater 1.1?
>> Rant completed, James