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RE: tap tempo to midi clock ???????

>  but this is an example of how having a piece 'out of the
>loop' can bring more power to bear, giving you the say on your delay 
>than the midi clock calling the shots...

the device that derives Tap from the LED had the ability to spit out 
a fraction of the time between two pulses.  From a 1/32 on up.  It 
also would do multiples of the time, so I still could (if the thing 
worked :/) have that kind of control.

>Still kinda scratching my head about creative ways to use sync 
>of the RPTR and EDP in tandem...

I had my JamMan and Repeater going for a while, and it was just too 
much for me.  There comes a time when you have to just forget 
possibilities and make some loops!  The worst show I ever did was 
when I tried to bring my entire home studio to a party.  I was 
overwhelmed with gear wrangling.  So far, the Repeater is plenty for 


>Neil Goldstein
>Portland, Oregon
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From: Marklar [mailto:sine@zerocrossing.net]
>>  Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 4:25 PM
>>  To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
>>  Subject: RE: tap tempo to midi clock ???????
>>  >
>>  >Of course if you're not trying to sync a loop like this then
>>  it's probably
>>  >fine.
>>  >
>>  >(but then why not just tap in the time with your foot?)
>>  >
>>  Basically, with the Repeater, you've got to Tap to start your loop,
>>  then tap again to end it.  It would be great if as soon as the loop
>>  started the Vortex was "in time"  I know synch is being thrown around
>>  a lot here,  but I know it won't synch.  I just want it to
>>  automatically get it's taps from my midi clock source.  I guess it's
>  > too much to ask unless you're willing to spend $400 or so.
>  >
>  > Mark
>  >
>  >