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StudioWare Panel For Echoplex Customization

Here's some more info--
There are three settings that need to be tailored to each person's setup.  
will call these these three things are MIDI Channel, Information type, and
The first is the channel number you have the Echoplex set to.  All of the
buttons and faders in the StudioWare Panel should reflect your channel.
The second is info type.  The Echoplex is controllable thru MIDI by either
note information or continuous controllers.  I have opted for note on for 
own reasons.  Select the info type which you use.
Lastly is the value of the info type that corresponds to the settings in 
EDP.  For example, I have the loop triggers starting at note 36 (I think
that is standard, C3).  This is user defineable, so many people (like
myself) may have changed their values.  I have EDP volume on controller 8
and feedback on controller 65--I think these are one off from the default.
I reckon I could have made everything easier by setting the panel up with
the defaults--guess I'll try that next.