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Re: New Yamaha looping/delay device

Tardy sez:

I suppose for those just
looking for a "DL4 with user presets and MIDI", this
will be a
disappointingly user-unfriendly device.  For those
looking for lots of
tweaking and knob-twiddling potential, I suppose this
box will be of serious
interest.  Either way, there seem to be some
interesting concepts at work.

Whoa.  You're not kidding.  I downloaded the manual
and had a brief look myself, and I'm psyched.  If you
like the Vortex, you'll probably love this thing.  A
few sample apps I thought of:

-Set parallel delays tapped at 40% and 80%, with no
feedback.  Get yer 4/4 rhythm going, tap yer tempo,
count off a 5-count over the four, and play notes on 1
and 2.  The UD will fill in notes on 3, 4, 5, and 1. 
This works for other odd (and normal) meters as well,
and you can chunk a couple of delays together if the
700 msec single line is not sufficient for your tempo.
 Takes a little more math than the Korg DL8000 or the
D-Two, but neither of those fit in yer pedalboard. =)

-Set parallel or cascading infinite delay lines, pan
them independently, modulate some, and turn the inputs
on and off selectively.  Sweet for evolving ambient

-I think you can run an infinite delay (or more than
1) and a sampled phrase simultaneously.

-Not sure from reading the manual, but the UD may be
smart enough to run asynchronous loops in phrase
sample mode.  We may have to try it to be sure.

Note: everything that I described above can be done
WITHOUT MIDI, using the on-board switches.  Obviously
control gets much deeper if you add a pedalboard, or
even just a CC pedal.  I could have a lot of fun with
this in the effects loop of my Repeater....  Release
date: February; estimated street price (based on the
AG Stomp): $400.

Drool on,

Scott Martin

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