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Re: Girl software looper

   It was done in Max, and the Max runtime doesn't support OS X, 
yet....Which indeed, sucks.

On Sunday, March 17, 2002, at 11:13 AM, Doug Miller wrote:

> It doesn't seem to work with Mac Os X. Too bad, it sounds like it could 
> have been cool.
>> http://girl.yowstar.com/
>> "Girl is an audio loop mixing instrument. Using your library of sound 
>> files
>> or live audio input of any format, sound is loaded into a GirlModule, 
>> which
>> will continuously loop the sound. Within a module you can modify the 
>> sound......
> ..................................................................
> Doug Miller
> <artist class="web.artist">
> http://www.dispatch.com
> http://www.columbusnow.com
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> http://home.columbus.rr.com/dougmiller
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