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--- Gary Lehmann <healthquestrecruiter@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Well, I'm not claiming everything they make is great . . . But in the
> beginning the name Peavey was synonymous with junk. 

Not really "junk", exactly. As far as I can remember back, Peavey
products were always sturdy and had a good feature set, especially for
the price they sold at. It's just that most of 'em didn't sound all
that great. But it was tough to break 'em (ie, they sounded bad

> I think those are the days I am claiming are over. 

I still think they produce some bad sounding, cheap stuff. I've used
some of their new(ish) mixers and I wouldn't buy one. They still make
some nasty sounding guitar amps, etc. But...they also make some very
good sounding things. The 5150 amps were nice, the Classic tube amps
were pretty good. Some of their new instruments are excellent for the


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