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what are YOU hoping to do with looping

> ** re people talking more about gear. i think it
> comes down to the fact that
> it's easier to do that - - it's less subjective than
> music is. (i've tried
> to get people to talk about music and what they want
> to with looping or what
> they see themselves "becoming" in terms of the gear
> and have not really
> gotten too many answers.)
> stig

let's try this one instead...being that several folks
have shown me that this debate is like debating
religion or the existence of god...there just is no
right answser...just a belief/opinion system...

i'll give it a shot...

my reason for looping and getting into this aside from
learning more about the incredible technological
advancements with musical equipment is to be able to
add more texture to my music in a band and solo
situation.  as a solo artist...to allow me to
accompany myself and create new and interesting ways
of getting a point across.  as a band player...to be
able to seemlessly add background textures and lay
down grooves that will allow me the freedom to explore
new ideas and even add more instrumentation to the
overall music.  my main and most important reason for
diving into this technology is this burning desire to
do something different...create a new genre of
music...to break some rules, to be a pioneer, and to
do something that i view as unique and illustrative of
my personality...to take music out even further than
it already is.  and i'm doing this knowing that i may
be the only one who cares to hear it...but damn, am i
having a good time doing it!

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