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Re: Fwd: fun for all the family


At 09:17 PM 5/9/02 -0400, you wrote:
>i do not know what to say.
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>From: h3o <h3o@veda.is>
>Subject: fun for all the family
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>I have been diagnosed with Hepatitis B, which at the present time of 
>writing is incurable. the treatment I need is unobtainable without money. 
>due to the machinations of the people I have worked for, who will not 
>recognise the state I am in, I'm forced to accept this situation, and 
>alternative arrangements. the prognosis it 3 months from now. the end. 
>sad. never mind.
>in order to attempt provide a modicum of support to my three children, I 
>am offering my extensive h3o archive for sale. any interested parties 
>please email me as soon as as is convenient.
>in dulce jubilo
>if you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, please send mail to
>         h3o-request@www.god-emil.dk
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