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Gigging in NYC/ Gig Talk

hello all-

reminder for my weekly gig Thursday, May 16, 2002 at
Chama, 332 East 4th Street, betwixt Avenue C and D.

I begin ~9:30 pm and have been playing just past
midnight. Check archives for quasi-reviews.

ahh now last week was lovely:

i'd set my rig up, two Digitech delays and an EDP.
But, the EDP was quite non-functional. I decided to do
the gig sans EDP (hey I can improvise). An LD member
comes in just after I decide not to use the EDP. We
talk for a bit and I decide to triple check the EDP
and find my problem was a feedback pedal plugged
improperly (in the footswitch). So once again an LD
member unwittingly saves the day. The gig went well
thereafter. Thanks Reinaldo!

best regards, Pedro Felix - NYC 2002

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