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RE: Fw: Spice girls' vocal concert

Hey Knowledgeable Ones--
I also received this and deleted it--what else should be done with
suspicious emails?  I have been receving my fair share, and am using 
2000 with Norton Antivirus--if I don't open these emails, can I get

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Flint [mailto:kflint@loopers-delight.com]
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 12:17 PM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: Fw: Spice girls' vocal concert

At 07:36 AM 5/24/2002, Bill Fox wrote:
>Dear Kim,
>Do you have the capability to block all attachments from being
>retransmitted to
>list members?  I feel it's a wise choice to do so if possible, for obvious

Bill, as far as I know these viruses are not going through the list. The
message header you pasted below indicates that pretty clearly. The virus
forges random email addresses in the from: field, so what you see in from
is not where the virus really came from. That seems to confuse a lot of
people, and some have thought a virus came from the list when it did not.
You have to look at the received: fields in the message header. If you ever
do see something like that go through the list, let me know.

The LD list does reject posts based on file size, which would stop most of
these things if somehow they were directed to the list. The list also
doesn't allow posting unless the sender is subscribed to the list. I see
the list rejecting  virus and spam mails this way all the time. I've long
planned to reject attachments also, but haven't gotten around to it.


>Return-Path: <pantonio@pacbell.net>
>Delivered-To: billfox@fast.net
>Received: (qmail 7564 invoked from network); 24 May 2002 03:09:46 -0000
>Received: from newmx1.fast.net ([]) (envelope-sender <>)
>           by mailstore1.fast.net (qmail-ldap-1.03) with QMQP
>           for <>; 24 May 2002 03:09:46 -0000
>Delivered-To: CLUSTERHOST newmx1.fast.net billfox@fast.net
>Received: (qmail 1700 invoked from network); 24 May 2002 03:09:45 -0000
>Received: from unknown (HELO mta5.snfc21.pbi.net) ([])
>(envelope-sender <pantonio@pacbell.net>)
>           by newmx1.fast.net (qmail-ldap-1.03) with SMTP
>           for <billfox@fast.net>; 24 May 2002 03:09:45 -0000
>Received: from Thd ([])
>  by mta5.snfc21.pbi.net (iPlanet Messaging Server 5.1 (built May  7 
>  with SMTP id <0GWL00GOII3YOE@mta5.snfc21.pbi.net> for billfox@fast.net;
>  23 May 2002 20:09:45 -0700 (PDT)
>Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 20:09:34 -0700 (PDT)
>Date-warning: Date header was inserted by mta5.snfc21.pbi.net
>From: douglas <douglas@idealab.com>
>Subject: Spice girls' vocal concert
>To: billfox@fast.net
>Message-id: <0GWL00GOKI3YOE@mta5.snfc21.pbi.net>
>MIME-version: 1.0
>Content-type: multipart/alternative;
>  boundary="Boundary_(ID_xRXPRqjApT1C9Qrepv+ALw)"
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "douglas" <douglas@idealab.com>
>To: <billfox@fast.net>
>Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 11:09 PM
>Subject: Spice girls' vocal concert
> >

Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com