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RE: Loopers do it repeatedly (was Re: Fw: THIS IS FOR REAL. (THIS IS A LOOP BASED MUSIC LIST!)
simple idea on how to end a loop performance...
how about putting your loop through a delay and turning up the send level
the delay as the loop is ending (or turning the mix from dry to wet if the
delay is being used as a master insert)?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Wyatt [mailto:stuart@solostring.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 12:54 AM
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: Re: Loopers do it repeatedly (was Re: Fw: THIS IS FOR REAL.
> Its tricky to end a performance with a loop, however, the tricks that I
> use are to build up a crescendo with the electric violin towards the end
> of the piece, then hitting the stop button at the same time I hit a
> power chord on the violin.
> The only other way that I have found is to assign a volume pedal to the
> master volume, and do a realtime fade-out - but that sucks. I'm
> experimenting at the moment in being able to change the Repeater's
> feedback level via the assignable volume pedal. Then - towards the end
> of the loop section, you can move the feedback from 90% down to 50% or
> lower - it will allow for some quite good morphing.
> This should be possible to adapt with most repeaters.
> On Tuesday, June 4, 2002, at 01:09 AM, Peter Prisekin aka Dusty Chalk
> wrote:
> > The funniest thing about this thread (besides Mr. Sottilaro)
> > is that it triggered the following serious thought:
> > do loopers know how to quit?
> >
> > This has been a frustration for me lately. There are the
> > obvious two choices: repeat and fade, and abrupt stop
> > (usually during a rest). Also, there's the obvious variation
> > of de-evolution -- I.E., if you've built up a loop with layers,
> > deconstruct it back down by removing layers, but when you're
> > down to the last loop, be it the one you started with, or a
> > different one, you still have to make one of the two above
> > choices. I've been thinking of trying to "morph" from a loop
> > to live playing, but have not been successful in an accurate
> > resemblance of the loop, so I usually go for a completely
> > different sound, but maybe playing the same riff. Any other
> > ideas?
> >
> > Favourite license plate (un-loop-related): PLAN A (and then
> > written on the bumper: "HEAD")
> > --
> > I remain,
> > :-Peter aka :-Dusty :-Chalk
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Stuart Wyatt - Solo String Project
> http://www.solostring.com
> stuart@solostring.com