Many thanks for your answers, Michael!
Somehow, I have a few more questions... :) <<Say that you've recorded Loop A and pressed
STOP. You switch to Loop B (via
a press on A/B) then start to record it.>> >> once you press "stop" you can not record a sec. will only have A loop Wow! I think I've had a misunderstanding about Loop A and Loop B. How do you record Loop B? Is there more than one
way? The manual talks about the following sequence:
1) Press RECORD. Your playing is recorded into Loop
2) Press A/B. Loop A stops recording and you immediately
start recording into Loop B.
3) Now you can press:
A/B - to stop recording Loop B and initiate
Loop A playback
STOP - to stop recording Loop B and then
become idle (no playback)
RECORD - to stop recording Loop B and
initiate Loop B playback.
Once Loop B has been recorded, I can re-record Loop B,
And here's another question, too!
How does the Slow or Stack LED operate?
The Boomerang manual states that this LED is on when SLOW
speed is selected or when STACKing. What if you're doing
Dennis Leas ------------------- |