I don't think such is acceptable. Granted I've lost my temper on LD before, especially after 9/11, but I never attempted to personally do damage to anyone like this. ----- Original Message ----- From: "William Mcallister" <BILLYBUDDHA@webtv.net> <personal attack snipped> >Many Blessings, Bill/Las Vegas That's a bit like the effect critics of $cientology call the "smiling thetan". In other words, the smile you get at the same time as a sharp object in the back. Quite common with that bunch. Stephen P. Goodman EarthLight Productions * http://www.earthlight.net/Studios - The Free Loop of the Week! http://www.earthlight.net/Gallery_Front.html - Cartoons! http://www.earthlight.net/HiddenTrack.html - More Cartoons!