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Re: loop 4 bug?

At 10:53 AM 6/24/2002, jim palmer wrote:
>first let me say that i have had some great fun this weekend with loop 

glad you are enjoying it!

>this may be a limitation and not a bug.
>i was not that familiar with loop 3, so it may not be a new thing either.
>1. record initial loop (mine was 2 beats. i left 8ths per beat at 8 - 
>shouldn't matter, though).
>2. overdub two passes.
>3. multiply out to 4 cycles.
>4. undo. (this removes what was overdubbed during multiply but leaves the 
>loop at 4 cycles)
>     seems to me that we should now have a one cycle loop, but not a big 
>5. undo again.
>now we have the original loop as cycle 1, the first overdub (step 2a) as 
>cycle 2 and cycles 3 and 4 are the original cycle plus both
>overdubs from step 2.

yes, it seems strange. It is in fact the LoopWindowing that you are 
experiencing. Whenever you do an Undo past the point where a Multiply was 
completed, you will be in LoopWindow territory. You start windowing back 
into past bits of memory a bit. It can be a little odd if you don't expect 
it or understand what is going on. Once you get the hang of the idea that 
you are windowing back in the memory it will make a little more sense.

>but if this is the price to pay for loop windowing, then it is worth it.

yes, LoopWindowing is great fun. But LoopWindows are not a trivial idea in 
any case. It takes a little effort to beat this feature into submission 
make it do as you command. It's still wild and fun before that, but it 
might seem a little random and unpredictable before you get the hang of 
what is going on. Once you master it, you will have great power and joy. 
The best ones are like that.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com