Like Andre, I would like some input to a presentation I will be doing at the Y2K2 LOOPFEST in Santa Cruz. I'll be giving a short talk about the history of looping. A lot of what I'll cover is well presented in Michael Peters' "The Birth of Loop" on the Loopers Delight Web site: <> If anyone has something to add to to that material please post it to the list. I already know about Hugh LeCaine's 1955 "Dripsody" (made with the first version of his Special Purpose Tape Recorder) and Karlheinz Stockhausen's 1966 "Solo" (performed with a custom tape delay system). I'd especially welcome any information about Les Paul's early use of tape loops, Pierre Schaeffer's Morphophone, Otto Luening's tape system, and other lesser-known systems. The Vintage Echo Units pages at: are a wealth of information about commercial tape-loop based systems, but if anyone has supplementary information it would be useful (especially some particulars on the Watkins Copy-Cat). -- ______________________________________________________________ Richard Zvonar, PhD (818) 788-2202