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Re: Why stereo? its a lesser spotted stan......

At 03:22 PM 7/1/2002, matt ishq wrote:
>i thought stans were extinct ........no offence stan.

the vast majority of guitarists that I see just have a guitar plugged into 
an amp. Maybe a few pedals. no stereo, just like stan.

>On the subject of stereo......whats wrong with it?

I think my original question got lost and never really answered. it wasn't 
"is stereo useful?" or "how do you use stereo?" or "why use stereo?". Of 
course it makes sense if you are talking about recorded music in 
headphones, or playing ambient music to 19 people in a cafe. that isn't 

I was wondering about a broader scope of live performance -> Where does 
stereo work and not work? If it is a large club with 1900 people and a big 
PA, is a stereo rig useful? What about an outdoor festival? Or even a 
larger cafe where you are stuck over in the corner somewhere and most of 
the audience are not in a proper stereo field.

What i'm wondering is how the stereo effects come across in these 
situations, since it seems to me most of the audience won't be in a proper 
stereo field. Is stereo actually useful, pointless, or harmful?

does it work for all the members of a band to provide a stereo feed in a 
large club? How would the sound person use that? Would he really pan each 
member hard left and right? Or would he reposition each person's stereo 
image in his stereo field? Or would he laugh at you and sum everybody to 
mono and mix you his way? Does anybody here have real experiences with 
to share?

And then I wondered about dance clubs. When people make dance music 
intended for listening, it often obviously uses stereo. Sounds nice in the 
headphones, but that is not the real environment for dance music. what 
actually happens in real dance clubs?


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com