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Re: Zoom 2100 questions

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Leas" <dennis@mdbs.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 17:16 PM
Subject: Re: Zoom 2100 questions

> > >  2) In Sampler, how does the "Rewind" work?  Does it instantly jump 
> the
> > >  loop beginning?  Or does it play the loop in reverse?  If so, does 
> play
> > >  the loop at normal speed (in reverse)?
> >
> > it mutes the signal, and "winds the tape back" at about 4x normal 
> > (you can see the timing LEDS count down)
> > If you release Rewind before you get back to the start of the loop,
> > then replay starts at that position.
> > If you rewind to the start of the loop, and keep holding, then replay
> > start from the beginning.
> Hmmmm, another question occurs to me...
> Do the timing LEDs count up during playback?  And are they subsequently
> cleared at the start of the loop?

Yes, it's the only way to tell where it is in the loop:

*  x  x  x  x x

The vertical LEDs do the point-by-point count.  The horizontal ones signify
each level of count done by the vertical LEDs.

Stephen P. Goodman
EarthLight Productions
http://www.earthlight.net/Studios - The Free Loop of the Week!
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