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Electrix/IVL petition

Hi all,

I have just received an email from Lisa at Electrix, saying that the 
file format info for the Repeater will be hopefully made public, and 
posted on the website, but unfortunately, the code to the OS source code 
will never be made public due all the secret IVL proprietory (sic?) 
stuff..... I have a feeling that most of this is down to the pitch 
shifting algorithms (which I never use anyway).

This is bad news for any continued development for the Repeater. So, my 
idea is this, to set up an online petition to ask IVL to release enough 
information about the Repeater hardware/BIOS so that developers can at 
least have a go at writing something for the unit. If this is to be 
done, it has to be done fast, as I have a feeling that the Electrix 
programmers will not stay around at IVL for long (if they are still 
there at all)....

Anyone know what is the best way to go about this? Who to contact? How 
to set up the petition?

Is it worth the time?

Just an idea....

- Stu