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Re: Repeater's Demise

On Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 08:11  PM, Hedewa7@aol.com wrote:
> there were/are good people, there, who spit blood, money and sleepless 
> months
> on that thang.
> relatively speaking, there was some awesome *intention* in that 
> project &
> buncha people..... it just went deeply awry, for reasons upon which we 
> can
> only speculate.

Right.  I know from experience that the best most talented people 
working on a project doesn't add up to anything, if somewhere up the 
line you get cut off.  My main problem with Electrix has always been 
this:  They lie.  They ask all these questions, then start telling the 
public stuff when they should just shut their mouths.  You have no 
option but to speculate.  Oh well, again, I with the best for those that 
are loosing their jobs at this point.  I have a lot of .com refugee 
friends that gave blood for companies that cut them loose with often no 
warning, while the CEOs were probably cashing in their stock options and 
buying homes.

> oping devices, here!
> anyway, dude:
> what a world, eh?

It is indeed.

> *-()
> best,
> dt / splattercell

Same to you.

Mark Sottilaro