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Re: Electrix/IVL petition

stuart@solostring.com writes:

>I have just received an email from Lisa at Electrix, saying that the 
>file format info for the Repeater will be hopefully made public, and 
>posted on the website, 
yes; it'd been posted, here, by someone.
good for them!

>but unfortunately, the code to the OS source code
>will never be made public due all the secret IVL proprietory (sic?) 
>stuff..... I have a feeling that most of this is down to the pitch 
>shifting algorithms (which I never use anyway).
i'm curious as to why not? i find it useful, sometimes, myself.....

>This is bad news for any continued development for the Repeater. 
unless, of course, they've got a plan to sell the product -in toto- to 
another manufacturer.

>So, my
>idea is this, to set up an online petition to ask IVL to release enough
>information about the Repeater hardware/BIOS so that developers can at
>least have a go at writing something for the unit. 
>If this is to be 
>done, it has to be done fast, as I have a feeling that the Electrix 
>programmers will not stay around at IVL for long (if they are still 
>there at all)....
>Anyone know what is the best way to go about this? Who to contact? 
>to set up the petition?
>Is it worth the time?
gonna think about this, for a minute.....
dt / s-c