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>From:"Stephen P. Goodman" <spgoodman@earthlight.net>

>Nah on the mp3.com/Vivendi bunch, as they're not too
>interested in paying anyone despite their recent
>rigging of the royalties determinations.

I completely agree.  mp3.com sucks a big dirty butt. 
it's the only place I can think of to start a free
station at the moment.  If anyone else can suggest a
better place, by all means do.  

If anyone is interested you can hear some of my looper
based stuff here:
Tracks 1, 4, 7, 9 and 13 are all live via DL4
graciously loaned to me by one il bols.  

I'm not suggesting some looper radio station that's
going to make us all famous.  Just a spot where list
members can hear what other list members are doing. 
we all know who has what looping device but not
necessarily what they're doing with it.  I've heard
some amazing stuff already from links people have sent
me.  I really loved Per Boyson's sounds at

I dunno, since I got a dsl modem, i've been an
internet radio junkie.  Sounds as good as earth radio,
often better.  No commercials on many of the stations
and the variety, oh the variety...

come on loopers.  represent!  

happy aloha friday,

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