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Re: LooperRadio

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kim Flint" <kflint@loopers-delight.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 22:09 PM
Subject: Re: LooperRadio

> At 02:07 AM 7/5/2002, Stephen P. Goodman wrote:
> >I have a station on Live365, EarthLight Online, that's running over two
> >hours of my material at this time.  I'm not using my full allotment
> >obviously.  But, I've just gotten a notice from them saying that, 
> >the recent rulings about royalties, they have to charge people a 
> >fee for the former free stations to cover it all.  Like I was talking
> >several months ago?  I hate being right sometimes.
> if you check the Live365 entries on fuckedcompany.com, you will see that
> they were undergoing major layoffs and drastic cost-cutting efforts last
> year, well before any of this riaa stuff. You were going to be paying for
> their service no matter what, because there is no way they could continue
> consuming so much bandwidth and keep letting everybody use it for free.
> >This is hilarious in a dark way, in that I own my own material, it's not
> >registered with ASCAP or BMI (at this time), and I pay nobody for the 
> >it.
> so put it on your own website. DIY.

As your stance on this has been a given for some time this is sadly
predictable, and a bit beneath what one expects of an otherwise objective
list moderator.

Stephen P. Goodman
EarthLight Productions
http://www.earthlight.net/Studios - The Free Loop of the Week!
http://www.earthlight.net/Gallery_Front.html - Cartoons!
http://www.earthlight.net/HiddenTrack.html - More Cartoons!