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Re: Looper census

Yeah, I was amazed that Lisa from Electrix seemed to have every single 
negative (and none of the postitive) things I've ever said about 
Electrix stored up for ammo.  When I asked about a future bug fix, she 
prefaced the "No" with about 10 quotes from me.  Flattering, really.

Mark Sottilaro

On Friday, July 5, 2002, at 07:10  PM, Kim Flint wrote:

> At 08:50 AM 7/4/2002, Jimmy Fowler wrote:
>> "what's critically missing from the manufacturers' vision is a 
>> long-term
>> plan that includes education of the potential marketplace via seminars,
>> clinics, instructional videos, and *functional* endorsements.
>> etc."
>> ...and i'll bet they aren't listening.  it would make a lot of sense 
>> if a
>> representative from each company were on this list since it's the 
>> largest
>> single collection of looping musicians.  maybe actually listen to what 
>> their
>> patrons have to say...
> pretty much every manufacturer of looping devices has had 
> representatives on this list at one time or another.
> There are always people listening to what is said here.
> kim
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
> kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com