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Re: Looping, on stage, a 2 minute song part by part?

At 11:50 AM 7/5/2002, Andrew Pask wrote:
> > I have a performance in a few weeks, where I would love to be able to
> > perform a piece for 5 guitars, one part at a time.
> >
> > The piece is about 2 minutes long... and with all the parts in place I
> > would be looping at least 8 minutes worth of music, possibly 10.
> >
> > Any advice? Hardware vs. Software?
>Wow. Not wishing to be the wet blanket _too_ much, but that is asking 
>a lot, especially for a few weeks.
>This sort of thing  would be difficult enough to do in a studio, let 
>alone a
>live performance, and I think that the main problem, even if you could 
>all the technical gear issues would be one of synchronisation between the
>recorded parts - not ending up with a big mess.Any deviation from strict
>time would be virtually impossible to play tightly with on the next pass.

<goes on to recommend hard disk recorder with an assistant....>

I don't think what he is looking for is such a complicated thing at all. 
this is pretty straightforward to do on a repeater or echoplex, or even a 
jamman. People do this same sort of thing all the time. Just use the basic 
features of overdub, multiply, and maybe multiple loops and loop copies 
depending on the piece. Pretty easy.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com