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Styles and Limits (was, long ago: Repeater vs EDP)

I like a lot what you say here, Andree, as I like all you say anyway ;-)
...and all that has been said in this thread, it makes me cry how 
friends defend my dirty old work on the Mac+. Yes limits are 
necessary, but where should they come from?
- Technology?
- The selection by the creator of the tool?
- By a consense of the users?
- By each user?
The last option seems to be the most atractive, but it means that the 
user has to test all options to select, and for this he has to study 
a lot of parameters, so most may be too lazy.
History made that the EDPs limits are mostly given by the old 
technology and for non MIDI users by the decision to do it all with 
seven buttons. How many more can you handle? Do you want a page 
oriented free programming of the keys functions as the MIDI pedals 
alow it for you now?
Yes, I did select: For example, on the EDP hardware, I could program 
a four track looper without feedback and volume control. But since I 
would not find it fun, I did not do it. But:
Once we can overcome the technical limits, we can develop a software 
that implements everybodys wishes, but will anybody still understand 
its operation?
The InterfaceModes started to be created by the users. Andy Butler 
litteraly created Flip mode from nothing but understanding a table of 
mine and playing with it in his mind until he suggested the one he 
wanted and it worked in about three attempts! Now, he may be a rather 
extraordinay person, but there may be more of those, especially if we 
manage to offer some kind of developpers manual. In the future.

For now, you can select a InterfaceMode, select other parameters that 
fit to your use and save it as a preset. If this preset is called by 
a preset of the MIDIpedal which contains a set of functions for the 
foot switches, this defines pretty freely what the buttons do and 

If others offer their work as Andre does and we develop this into 
some data base, a newcomer can listen through samples and select the 
InterfaceMode/Preset/Style he wants to start his looping experience 

>At the risk of sounding like an idealistic optimist, my advice would be
>to look at the Repeater in terms of what it CAN do, as opposed to what
>it CAN'T do.  That doesn't mean people shouldn't push for additional
>features, or relay any frustrations with the current OS to the
>designers.  What it means, to me, is that it's a different instrument
>with a unique feature set.  If there's a lesson to be learned from the
>EDP in that regard, I'd say that it's important to explore the features
>that are already in a unit, just as much as asking for new features that
>aren't in there yet.
>NO looper can do everything, and if there was one that COULD, I think
>it'd be awfully difficult to decide what to do with it in the first
>place.  :)
>>  To hear how passionate people are about this box
>>  really highlights my ignorance in the unit,
>>  and feeling embarrassed for saying what I did.
>Well, I spent the first two years of this list highlighting my own
>ignorance about countless things, so I'm well ahead of you in the
>self-induced public embarassment department.  ;)
>Take care,
>--Andre LaFosse


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