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New MIDI footpedal (MFC10) and EDP.


I'm wondering if someone can help, i wasn't able to find what i needed in
the archives, and i'm sure that many of you have done this before.  I'm
attempting to add a MIDI footpedal to control my EDP for two reasons:

1.  My EDP-specific footpedal has two sporadically-working switches and its
not much of a pedal.
2.  I'm interested in seeing how the EDP works with a MIDI footpedal so i
can assess whether the new software is user-friendly enough on the fly to 
worth the purchase price (i'm not very MIDI-savvy, most is done live).

At any rate, my pedal is the Yamaha MFC10 (its wind controller friendly).  
have MIDI Out from the MFC10 to a MIDI routing box, to the MIDI In on the
EDP.  The MFC10 can send note info, cc info etc., so i assume that it 
work with the EDP.  However, the "User's Guide" is not very useful so far.
I don't see any MIDI spec as to what messages each button might respond to,

The relevant things that i've found are:
ControlSource (which i've set to "not" for Notes).
Source# (which is set to 36).
Channel (which is set to 1, the same as the footpedal).

So, i believed that if i sent out a MIDI note on message of 36 from my
footpedal to the EDP, the Parameter button should be triggered, is that
right?  And by extension, Record takes a MIDI note of 38, Overdub 39 and so
on....  So, i set up my footcontroller to send these MIDI notes, but no
change from the EDP.  I don't know if i'm missing something 'obvious' or
not.  So far, the MIDI footpedal is a total waste of $$.  If anyone has any
light that they can shed, i'd appreciate it and i'd also REALLY like to 
from someone who is currently using this particular pedal.


James Lanpheer
Database Administrator
National Access System 
Phone:  303.267.5175
Email:  lanpheer.james.a@broadband.att.com