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Re: New MIDI footpedal (MFC10) and EDP.

so am i, but it won't do the momentary thing...nor the toggle function
(where it alternates between sending two commands).

thankfully the Repeater's OS handles the toggling, but for my Pod i had to
set up one pedal to turn on reverb and one pedal to turn off reverb...kind
of a waste of space.

but it WAS cheap ($100).

> not sure if it costs less but I'm using an fbc1010
> On Wed, 2002-07-10 at 12:54, Skip wrote:
>> i posted a question about this a few days back- i'm looking for a MIDI 
>> that can be used as momentary switches.
>> is the MFC10 the only one in it's price range that does it?
>> i can't justify spending more on the pedal than i did on my Repeater :)
>> -12
>>> At 03:22 AM 7/10/2002, Lanpheer, James A wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure that i've fully got my arms around what makes a switch a
>>>> "momentary" one or not.  It seems like you need to be able to send a 
>>>> and a NoteOff in a single button press?  I'm not fully sure on that 
>>>> but
>>>> i'm hoping to hear more on this list.  I'll try searching the archives
>>>> tomorrow.
>>> "momentary" means it sends a command when you press it and a command 
>>> you release it. For example, you press it down and it sends a note-on,
>>> release it and it sends a note-off.
>>> kim