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RE: New MIDI footpedal (MFC10) and EDP.

Heck, I'M not even sure the MFC10 "does it" yet... ;)  I'm still searching
for the answers, but will try 'ctr' tonight and see if that has any effect.


-----Original Message-----
From: Skip [mailto:s-12@swbell.net]
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 10:54 AM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: New MIDI footpedal (MFC10) and EDP.

i posted a question about this a few days back- i'm looking for a MIDI 
that can be used as momentary switches.

is the MFC10 the only one in it's price range that does it?

i can't justify spending more on the pedal than i did on my Repeater :)


> At 03:22 AM 7/10/2002, Lanpheer, James A wrote:
>> I'm not sure that i've fully got my arms around what makes a switch a
>> "momentary" one or not.  It seems like you need to be able to send a
>> and a NoteOff in a single button press?  I'm not fully sure on that one,
>> i'm hoping to hear more on this list.  I'll try searching the archives
>> tomorrow.
> "momentary" means it sends a command when you press it and a command when
> you release it. For example, you press it down and it sends a note-on,
> release it and it sends a note-off.
> kim