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Re: Electrix/IVL petition

> i think it would be quite difficult to strip the pitch shifting from 
> the os.
> time stretch and midi synch are definitely using it and would have to be
> completely redone.

Ah yes... I did not think about that :(

> of course creating an opensource version would also be difficult.
> of course, aurisis will simply take over supporting the repeater.
> so it's settled.  i hereby declare it to be so.
> that is all.

Then forget about open source.... try and persuade certain people (hint 
hint) to purchase the code (with a little financial help from the 
Repeater users). The code will still be 'top secret', but licensed to a 
third party.

>> I'm pretty skint, but I would be quite happy to ebay one (or both) of 
>> my
>> kidneys to see this happen!
> no kidneys, but i would not have suggested it if i weren't willing to 
> kick in...
> maybe i'll buy one of yours!  what do they taste like?

Somehow, I keep getting flashbacks of 'The Silence of the Lambs'.... :)

Stuart Wyatt - Solo String Project