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Re: Electrix/IVL petition

While it's regrettable that the Repeater has been deep-sixed, I'd like to
make a few points:

1) If you're past the point of asking for something nicely, asking for it 
some other way probably won't get you what you want either.  What you want
is an updated OS.  What you'd probably get is several years worth of legal
bills and hassle, which would make the effective "price" of this upgrade

2) Fixing bugs (very) often introduces new bugs.  Even if you could 
a company which nearly drove itself to bankruptcy to work on this update,
you'd probably find another bunch of issues in the update.

3) As far as considering this a "warranty" issue, I'd be surprised if 
in the Repeater docs there isn't the boilerplate "all specs and features
subject to change, etc".  Again, maybe you could drag it out in court and
get a judge to agree with you, but there's that whole big-legal fee thing
again.  Plus, court cases are always unpleasant, because by definition
you've moved beyond the "asking for things nicely".

4) And as far as the whole "license the software to someone else"
suggestion...it's phenomenally unlikely that IVL has any interest in that,
and maybe less likely that you'd be able to find someone who wanted to sift
through someone else's buggy code for a price you'd be willing to pay in a
timeframe that you'd find satisfactory.  This was all Electrix did for a
year or so, and look how far those poor guys got.

> Well, what I conceder a tenth place up-grade is a bug fix.  Maybe add a
> few features at .5, if they're *ready*.  I'm actually (as I've said)
> mostly happy about the Repeater and how it works.  The problem is, it
> doesn't work as it's spec'd to.  (I'll mostly harp on the MIDI clock
> out) This is why I'm pretty comfortable in being angry at Electrix for
> selling me something that didn't totally work as described, with the
> promise that it would be fixed in the future.  Perhaps a petition isn't
> in order, but a class action suit.  Sue IVL for not providing a 100%
> working version of the Repeater.  Sue for punitive damages.  Can I sue
> you?  For punitive damages?
> Sorry, slipped into a Jerky Boys phone call.
> I really think things are far past the point where asking really nicely
> would get us anywhere.
> Soooooo, to answer your question, I couldn't imagine a 1.2 OS to be
> worse than the 1.1 (though it's a possibility, I agree) but if they had
> a beta of a 2.0 that had more features, but was unreliable, I would not
> use it.  At this point, I probably would pay a bit for the bug fix, but
> I don't think I should have to.  I would probably pay a few hundred for
> an upgrade that had a few of my big "wish list" items on it that was
> stable.