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Re: Electrix/IVL petition

--- Mark Sottilaro <sine@zerocrossing.net> wrote:
> I couldn't agree more.  The people who should be working on the next 
> Repeater OS (or even a more bug free version of the current one!)
> should be the people who conceived the beast in the first place.

I'm be very surprised if that's not what THEY'D prefer to be doing
right now. To me, that sounds like one of those "dream jobs". I bet
it's heartbreaking for them to have produced a cool product, with a lot
more potential, only to have it yanked away due to company politics and
management decisions that are probably WAY out of their control. I
honestly feel for 'em. It hurts to pour your heart and effort into
something only to have it taken away from you.

That's probably why you got such an emotional reaction from Lisa when
you slammed 'em. My guess is that all the junk happened somewhere up
the food chain and the people actually involved with the product got
the shaft.

I've felt bad about having my software projects cancelled even when
they WEREN'T cool projects! I can only dream of working on something as
interesting as a looping device, and I can only imagine how devistating
it'd be having a great project like that get killed.


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