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Re: Electrix/IVL petition

--- Mark Hamburg <mark_hamburg@baymoon.com> wrote:
> Not going to happen but...
> How many current Repeater owners would pay money for a replacement OS
> that
> eliminated the pitch shifting, time stretching, etc. and left one
> with
> essentially multiple DL4-style loopers in a box with a configurable
> effects loop and MIDI sync?

I doubt I'd pay for it just to get the ability to be a MIDI clock
source. But if it had some enhancements like improved loop
beginning/end transition logic (nicer crossfading), I might. As long as
I had the option of keeping OS1.1, in case I wanted to return to those
features. The ability to switch between the two OS's would be essential
if the primary features weren't retained.

Now, your presumption is that those are the only things they'd consider
"proprietary" (and therefore releasable), which I doubt. 

Oh yeah, from a testing standpoint, it takes JUST AS LONG to test
features which have been removed from a piece of software as it does to
test new features. This is because you have to be sure they were
correctly removed and the removal didn't affect other functionality. So
asking them to take something out in order to add something else isn't
really a compelling argument, since the development & test time would
still be about the same.


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