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Re: EDP Question (SamplerStyle=Sta)

>>  The only Sampler Style Parameters I have on mine is "run", "one" and 
>Ah... the "start" parameter is new to the LoopIV upgrade.  :-/
>>  Maybe I could make some cell-phone calls if I set it to "at&t" ;-)
>I'm sure Matthias could probably work something out...

me? I am behind again, there is so much going on here...

originally I thought that we only want to jump to the start of a loop 
if we leave the previous at the end, so NextQuant=Cyc (+ care to 
switch in the last cycle) solved this.
Then this question came up anyway.
So we made the Sta value Andre mentioned for Loop4
Then Andy found that in Loop3, Att does the same thing, althought it 
was meant for keyboard triggering!

Choose *Att*, Arthur, and do your uni-phone call to the next loop spirit...
[ I never understood why the phone-cells were abandoned for a bone 
called cell-phone... in Switzerland they call it "Handy" (yes the 
english word!), but we feel embarassed to say that, so the worlds 
most popular technical tool does not have a decent name... but we 
call it anyway, just by dialing to it :-)


          ---> http://Matthias.Grob.org